Please take a few minutes to make your voice be heard to protest against China's 'rule of terror' over the Tibetans. Click on each of these three websites and let the world know these atrocities are unacceptable.
Students for a Free Tibet
Race for Tibet
Need some inspiration? Read the following, sent to Buddhist Relief yesterday:
When it becomes illegal to pray, burn incense,
or have a simple picture of your leader,
and people spend years in prison being tortured
and killed for doing nothing more
things have gone much too wrong.
If you are not already aware of this,
you need to know that the Tibetan people are the cornerstone and the living example of tolerance, non-aggression, and compassion towards their enemies.
The Tibetan people are nothing less than the standard for non-violence in an increasingly violent world, and have endured unspeakable human consequences for half a century as payment for their absolute faith in
forgiveness and compassion.
Unbelievably, and unfortunately, the Tibetan's have never had the benefit of the world press spotlight, much less the interest or compassion of the world community at large for their shining example of how
peace can conquer suffering and love can conquer hate.
If we lose that we lose everything.
We cannot afford to turn our backs in complacency
on the Tibetan's struggle for peace and freedom.
If we, as individuals and a world community, do not support the Tibetans now
in their desperate struggle to preserve these precious and essential virtues of their culture that exemplify the most basic of our own common rights and beliefs,
then we place ourselves at serious risk of being in their place someday,
praying someone will come to our rescue
as they are now.
It's that simple and that serious.
Make your opinion known.
Refuse to let propaganda win over truth,
and oppression win over freedom.
Do it for all of us.
Every day thousands of Tibetans pray and spin prayer wheels filled with 100,000 prayers
for one single prayer … that ALL beings are lifted from suffering.
That includes me and you.
The very least we can do is spend a few minutes
supporting them in their valiant cause
in their time of need.
Thank you
(Author unknown)
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